
Monday, 27 December 2021

SLJ/ Poetry Slam

 Today I decided to do the poetry slam task. This task helps you come up with ideas for your up coming poem. Here is my work. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, 17 December 2021

SLJ- Photography

 Kia ora, Today's task was to take four pictures that make something look, bigger smaller or illusion. I love photography so I was really looking forward to this task. My three tips for forced perspective photography would be have fun, be creative and  think outside the box. Thanks to my sister for helping me, Her blog: . What Forced perspective photography looks like:

My favourite Photos:

Thursday, 16 December 2021

SLJ- Vector Art Decoration

 Today's task was to create a Vector Christmas decoration. Three tips I would give on doing your Vector art is that pick a picture that relates to your family Christmas and make sure the picture fits in your shape and maybe make the border weight 24px because it makes your art stand out more.  Here is my work and I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

SLJ- Geometree

Today's task was to create a Geometree picture using triangles and different shapes. I used different shaped triangles. Here is my work.

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

SLJ- Spread the Word

 Todays task was to list top 5 blogs post you liked and leave a comment on that blog post. My top 5 blog post were 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Here is my work:

SLJ- Nasa Colouring Art Book

Hi my name is Laylah, This is my 2nd year doing Summer Learning Journey. One of the task was to colour one the pictures using the Art Colouring Book. I chose to do a Rockets view of earth. Did you know a Rocket can go 15,000 miles per hour! Here is My Picture:

The original picture:

Friday, 3 December 2021

Play, Make, Create Week 7

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Stinkosaurus Saves Christmas

 It was about how even the most unlikely people can turn out to be a hero. I chose to make something that has a chute to put presents down. Here is my work. I hope you like it.

Friday, 26 November 2021

Play, Make, Create Week 6

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: One for you and two for me.

 It was about the importance of friendship and sharing thing fairly.

 I chose to make something to remind bear about friendships and I made friendship bracelets. We also had to write a recipe strawberry dessert, I wrote a recipe about chocolate covered strawberries. Here is my work.

Monday, 22 November 2021

Weather Te Reo

 For Maori we have been learning to say what the weather is like . Here is my google draw.


Virtual Pet Day 2021

 Here is my digital entry for Pet Day and one of my photos I took for the photo competition. I came 1st place with my Digital entry and my photo.

Friday, 19 November 2021

Pet Day Vaseline Saucer

 We have Pet Day at Ohaeawai School every year and one of the activities we do is to create a symmetrical design on a saucer using flower petals. You put Vaseline on the saucer first to make the flowers stick. That’s why they are called Vaseline Saucers. Here is a pic of me with mine:

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Mosaic Art

We have been learning about using apps on our Chromebook to create images that look like mosaics or stained glass windows. We used Google Draw to make some and some people also used Sumopaint. Here is the image I made using Google Draw. I chose a Lion because I liked the colours in a lions mane..

Friday, 12 November 2021

Play, Make, Create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The Day the Plants Fought Back.

  It was about respecting others.

 I chose to design a veggie family with Jayme & Stella.

Thursday, 11 November 2021


This week we wrote about a narrative the day things started to go wrong. I hope you enjoy reading my story.

The Day Things Started To Go Wrong.

One day I woke up to an empty house.  Nobody was there, the house was silent. The lights weren't on. So I decided to go have a shower maybe it was a dream? No, it wasn’t a dream . I could feel the warm water dripping down my face, Then all of a sudden the water turned off. Great! We have no water. How could this be possible? Breakfast can’t be bad, Can it? Turns out it can. I went to open the cupboard and the shelves were wiped clean. It was like a food thief robbed me. Then I turned around and boom. There was a food thief running out the door.  It was only 7:50 pm and it’s time to go to school. But there is only one problem. My mum wasn’t there to drive me to school nor was my dad. There was only one thing to get me to school. Buddy our steer. We were ready to go. I saddled up Buddy and we were off until Buddy decided to bunt me off and he left me. How could this day possibly get any worse. It was possible my day did get worse. When I eventually got to school nobody knew who I was.  The bell finally went. We had a test that I had no idea we had coming up. Fingers crossed I get some answers to write. The test results came in. I got 35%. It was the lowest score in the class. My nose started to drip and I started to cough. Miss Stewart sent me home and I had to get a covid test. My worst nightmare. 10 long hours after my test the results came back positive. Oh No!


For the last week we have been focusing on narrative writing and snapshots. I choose to write about a picture.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Around The Back.

 Last week we had to write about around the back to go with our application for the Mitre 10 playground. I decided to write about what around the back would look like if it was a human. Here it is.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Play, Make Create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: That’s Not the Monster We Ordered.

  It was about being grateful for what you have.

 I chose to design a monster,with Phoebe I named him Tom and he likes to create art. I also wrote a review about a monster.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Frank Stella Art

 We have been learning about abstract art. It’s all about creating works of art that don’t actually look like anything. We focused on the American artist Frank Stella, who liked to make pictures using shapes like circles, triangles and rectangles.

Here is my work

Friday, 22 October 2021

Play, Make, Create

This week for Play, Make, Create we read about a book called I am peace it was a book about emotions. For our writing task we had to write three paragraphs about a time we felt anxious, nervous or out of control. For my create task I made a tree with leaves that have all my emotions and feelings. Here is my work.

Monday, 18 October 2021

Basic Facts Week 10 Term 3

  Here is my latest basic facts test.

We have to answer 60 questions in 3 minutes to pass that level. I am working at the level I should be on.

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Handwriting Term 3 Week 10

Here is my Handwriting sample from term 3.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Play, Make, Create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Wombat Stew. It was about a dingo who caught a wombat and tried to make wombat stew. But, it didn’t work because all of the other animals gave him other ingredients to stop him from eating the wombat.


 I chose to make a trap to capture the wombat without hurting him. I used a food they like to eat called kangaroo grass. you pull the string to shut the doors to catch the Wombat.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Maui & the Sun

 Maui & the sun was about how Maui and his brothers slowed the sun. I decided to make a anmation with my table group. Here it is. 

Writing shape poem

 We have been learning how to write different styles of poetry. Here is my Snail Shape Poem. Hope you like it.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Play, Make, Create Week 7 Term 3 2021

 In Week 7 of Term 3, we got back to school!!! On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Tidy It was about a badger that was too tidy.

I chose to make a poster to show how to stop rubbish & litter. I also wrote a apology letter to the forest & animals from badger.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Diary of a Worm

 Today it was play make create.  We read a story called Diary of a Worm. It was about a worm who had a diary and wrote about his life and what he does every day. My writing task was to add on to his diary. Here is my writing.

My Activities Week 6 Term 3 2021

 This week we carried on with our ‘insect’ topic for reading, writing, handwriting and art. For maths we practised basic facts and worked on writing a variety of equations which would have a certain number for the answer. We also practised solving problems using place value or known facts knowledge. Here is a selection of my work.

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Honey Cookies

 Today our reading task was to bake some honey cookies. Here are my honey cookies.

Friday, 27 August 2021

Science Fair Wk 5 Term 3

 We are learning how to conduct proper science experiments and then record what we did and what we noticed. We could investigate any area of science we wanted.

I chose to investigate how quick different types of bread grow the most mould.

Here is my work

Writing Week 5 Term 3 2021 My Come to Your Senses Poem.

 This week one thing we did for writing was a Come to Your Senses Poem. First you had to think of a human emotion, like love. Then you had to say what colour it would be. Then, you had to write 5 more sentences using your 5 senses saying how each would relate to love. The emotion I chose was Anger

Here is my work.

Writing Week 5 Term 3 2021 Mini beasts

 Another thing we did for writing this week was a mini beast observation. First, you had to go out into your backyard and find a mini beast, then you had to bring it inside and describe it. I chose to describe a Aphid

Here is my work.

Insect Art

 Because we were using ‘Insects’ as a topic this week for reading and writing we created some works of art based on insects also. We had to make them out of any materials we could find at home. I chose to use mage Dragonfly collage.

Here is a photo of my creation: 

Expanded numerals & Solving word problems Maths Week 5 Term 3 2021

 This week one thing we have been  learning in maths is how to write expanded numbers. Another way of saying this is ‘expanded form’ or ‘expanded notation’. They all mean the same thing. It’s like you have to break the numbers up into their place value parts and then put + symbols in between them. Example: 7239 =7000+200+30+9.

Another thing we have been  learning in maths is how to solve word problems involving combinations of things. You had to be able to write addition equations showing as many different   combinations as we could. 

Some people found it was useful to do your figuring out using a table. But not the kind of table you eat off-a mathematical table.

Here is my work.

Friday, 13 August 2021

The Smartest Giant In town

  In Week 3 of Term 3, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: the smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

  It was about being kind.

 I chose to draw a map with Phoebe, Stella & Sienna M. I also choose to write about The kind giant.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Play Make Create

 Today it was our first week of play make create this term. We read Little Goat Gruff. I made a wanted poster .

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Poster about me

 On Monday we did challenge number 16. Our task was to create a poster about yourself and add things what we like, hobbies, personality, favourite food, stuff important to us and a photo of us. But we learnt what we had to keep private and what we could keep public. Here is my poster.


 Today we wrote a piece of writing about the weather. We got to choose what ever type we wanted. I choose to write about Thunder & Lightning.

Monday, 5 July 2021

Matariki Movie

For the past week we have been learning about Matariki. I made a movie about Matariki with Aiden, Cheyne, Maia, Phoebe, Sienna M and Stella. I hope you enjoy our movie and Movie plan.

Matariki Day

 On Friday it was Matariki day. We celebrated Matariki by doing Art, baking, weaving, games and making kites.  My first activity was Maori games and my second activity was making tin can candles. We had a special treat.  We drunk Milo and ate cookies. Here are some photos of Matariki day.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Do stars twinkle?

 Yes, Stars do twinkle. The flashlight goes through the glass through the tinfoil. That makes it twinkle. The light bounces of another substance.

Lonely Tree

 A couple of weeks ago I wrote a personification poem about a lonely tree. Here it is. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Old Playground

A few weeks ago we went outside and looked at our wooden, old playground. Then we wrote a personification poem about it.