
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Last Week Of School

Last week we went to Coopers Beach Camp.  We went fishing and at Coopers Beach we went down the water slide, on the confidence course, swimming in the sea and we had a sandcastle competition. We also went to the rock pools.

Before we went to Coopers we started a collage of sea animals or rocky shore animals. Here is mine.
Check out all of the photos of Camp.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Basic facts test Term 4 2019

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.
I should be working on Stage 5. 

I am at Stage 5. I got 33 out of 60
I passed stage 4. I got 60 out of 60.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Maths Solving

We have been learning to solve problems with multiplication and division . Here are some problems I solved this week. I used screencatifay to show my thinking.

Friday, 8 November 2019

pet day writing

Today is our school pet day. We did poems for our pet day writing . Here is mine.

vaseline saucers

Today is our school pet day.We made vaseline saucers using flower petals. Here is mine.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Great's and Grand's day 2019

Last Friday we had our Great's and Grand's day.  My Nana Heather ,poppa and Granny came along. We did performances and dancing. We had a delicious morning tea and played games.

Here is my poem that I wrote for my Poppy J that couldn't make it.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Garden To Table

Today at garden to table I was in the garden . We did weeding and Sienna and I cut some sweet peas and other flowers to put in a vase to decorate our picnic blankets.  When we had finished in the garden  we went to the team Awa picnic on the field.  We had fruit kebabs, quiche, corn fritters and coleslaw.  The food was yummy!
Here is a photo of Team Awa's picnic.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Science Fair

Yesterday we had our school science fair. My science investigation was about flight with paper planes.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Musical instruments

Team Awa made instruments using recycled materials.
I made marakas  by using curvy bottles ,for the sound I put in sprinkles and hard pasta.
I really like the sound the best.
Here is a photo of my marakas

Monday, 26 August 2019

Koru Art

We made koru art with whaea rose  by  cutting cardboard steylafoam  and printing it on paper to create our koru template.  My koru represents new life and Aroha.  I really like the native birds in my art work because they represent NZ.  Here is a photo of me and my colourful, koru art .

Thursday, 15 August 2019

scientific writing

Balloon Hovercraft
How does a hovercraft hover?

I predict that the balloon Hovercraft  is going to stay on the table because  it has no air pushing it up .

We need a cd water bottle lid and a balloon .

Step 1: Hot glue the bottle cap over the cd hole.
Step 2: Blow up  a balloon .  When it is fully inflated  twist the end so no air comes out .
Step 3:  stretch  the balloon  end over the bottle lid.
Step 4: Open up the cap and place the cd on a table.
Step 5: Untwist balloon  and let go .

I found out that the hovercraft made a cushion of puff between the table.

The air from the balloon creates a cushion of moving air between the disc and the surface  and reduces  the friction  across the surface.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Bridge Buliding

We have been learning about forces and how they help shape the sort of bridges that we build.  

We learned that there are three main types of bridge design; beam, truss and suspension.  Using this knowledge we designed and built our own bridges.

Miss Fletcher set the challenge that our bridges had to be 30 cm long and strong enough to hold an object.

In my group there were Sienna M and Nicole.  We used ice block sticks to make the ramp and the triangles and egg cartoons for the base to build our bridge.

Here is a photo of our truss bridge that we named Layenna Foster bridge.  What I like best about our bridge is the triangles on the side.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Maths Book

For maths  this week we read a book called one is a snail ,ten is a crab . We then worked in groups to  create our own version . My book is called one is a fish , ten is squid . Here is my book . I hope you like it.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Moon Rover

For science we made a Moon rover lander using only a paper cup, paper, cellotape and straws.  We were given the task of making our Moon rover land softly onto our Moon landscape so that our marshmallow astronauts did not fly out.
What I like best about my Moon rover is the wings.

What I needed to modify on my Moon lander rover was to use different cellotape.

One thing  I learned about landing on the Moon was that it is very important for astronauts to be able to land on the Moon.

Here is a picture of my Moon rover landing on our school’s Moon surface.  I hope you like it!

Art term 2

Friday, 14 June 2019


We have been learning to solve Multiplication problems 


We have been learning to talk to each other in Maori. Here is a conversation Stella and I recorded on Screencastify.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Handwriting term 2

Here is my handwriting sample for term 2. I am good at my forming my letters  I need to work on my capital G.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Space writing

Space writing
This week we have been writing about space . Here is a piece of my writing

Friday, 17 May 2019

Screencastify Scratch

We did coding with Tania with jr.Scratch . Hear is mine.

Reading - The Sun

We have been learning about the sun for our Reading. We read different books to help us learn and understand about the sun and how important it is.  Here is some facts about the sun.

We also created an animation to show how the Earth rotates around the Sun.

Thursday, 16 May 2019


This week we learnt how to use Google sheets to create a mine craft style character. We created an Alien. Here is mine.

Friday, 12 April 2019


This week for reading we read a book and we did some facts about the animal. I choose whales. Here is the slide I made.



Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Monday, 8 April 2019

Basic facts term 1

These are my Basic Facts results for the end of Term One.
I am working on Stage 4. I got 35 out of 60.
I need to be on Stage 5 by the end of the year.

Handwriting term 1

This is my handwriting Sample for Term One
I am good at my Nn's.
I need to work on  making sure capital letters and tall letters touch the top line.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Steam - Makerspace

This week we did Maker space. Our theme was the Living World. This is what I created. I made a spider from a cupcake wrapper, google eyes and pipe cleaners.

Bug hotel

 Today we made a bug hotel. We used bamboo, egg cartons, plastic pots, wood, flowers, rope, cardboard and hay. We did it to attract the good bugs to our garden.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


Today I made a GIF with a bug.

Friday, 29 March 2019

What is in the wardrobe?

Today we wrote poems about living things. We had to use an adjective, noun and verb. Here is my published poem.

Friday, 22 March 2019


For maths we have been working in mixed ability groups to solve problems. The focus has been solving word problems using place value. We have to select the correct the correct strategy to solve the problem. I have chosen two problems to show you how I work them out.
I find  the addition easy

Friday, 15 March 2019

cyber smart

We have been watching Hector's World to learn how to be cyber smart.

House colour poem

We  described our house colour with a poem. I am in the blue house so I had to write descriptive sentences about blue.

Environmental writing

We sketched our bean plants that we grew in class. We then wrote words around the outside to describe the bean plant. We had to use these words to write a piece of descriptive writing. We then cut out our picture and glued it on to your writing. Here is my writing.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Self Portrait Art

We have been learning how to sketch our facial features. We needed to put
them in the right place on our face. For our background we typed our full name
and learned to copy and paste down the page.
I like my hair.
I need to work on my eyes.