
Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Bridge Buliding

We have been learning about forces and how they help shape the sort of bridges that we build.  

We learned that there are three main types of bridge design; beam, truss and suspension.  Using this knowledge we designed and built our own bridges.

Miss Fletcher set the challenge that our bridges had to be 30 cm long and strong enough to hold an object.

In my group there were Sienna M and Nicole.  We used ice block sticks to make the ramp and the triangles and egg cartoons for the base to build our bridge.

Here is a photo of our truss bridge that we named Layenna Foster bridge.  What I like best about our bridge is the triangles on the side.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora, Laylah!

    Hello! My name is Kayla, I like the way you put triangles on your bridge and I love the name you gave it. Have you thought of putting a different shape on your bridge? If you would like to view my blog my blog is:

    Blog ya later!
