
Thursday, 13 August 2020

My Speech

 My speech topic is Why Bullying Is Not Okay!  

I chose this topic because I want people to stop bullying. When I presented my speech I felt nervous and excited. What I did well was eye contact. What I could work on is slowing down.  

My Speech:

Have you ever wondered why bullying is not okay? Bullying is when there is a person or even a group of people that pick on somebody younger or they think they are weaker than them. People can get bullied in different types of ways like verbally, Physically and socially. Here are my three reasons why bullying is not OK. 

My first reason why bullying is not OK is that bullying makes children upset and hurts their feelings. When they get bullied they don’t want to come to school because they may feel unsafe or they are scared they are going to get teased and made fun of. They get teased because of their clothes, shoes or even the way they look. They may have old clothes as some parents may not have the money to buy new clothes for their children. When they get teased it is called verbal bullying. Verbal bullying is when you call people names and make fun of them or their belongings. Another example is not letting somebody sit with you or play with you. Telling them they don’t want to be their friend anymore or they don’t want to become friends with someone.

My second reason why bullying is not OK is that it can hurt and harm people. Physical bullying is the most obvious type of bullying. It happens when children use physical actions to have control over the people they are bullying. Physical bullying can include hitting, punching, kicking and shoving which can leave marks to make it more obvious than other types of bullying. It can get out of hand with some children getting seriously hurt or even ending up in hospital.

My final reason why bullying is not OK is that it can happen from a distance.  Social bullying can be performed in many different ways and can happen anytime.  Online bullying can happen by text message or by posting nasty comments on someone's social media by strangers or someone they know.  

It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside it matters what you are on the inside.   Bullying is not OK . So if you see anybody getting bullied, stick up for them or go to an adult for help.  Remember never judge a book by its cover.

By Laylah

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