
Sunday, 20 December 2020


 Today I made my own chorus. It involves Covid-19 and how we got through it. I hope you like it.


  1. Mōrena Laylah, this is Elle from the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Thank you for sharing your awesome Rise Up chorus!

    I think it’s great you’ve chosen a topic that everyone in the world can currently relate to! You have taken something that was a challenge and most likely a struggle for most people and turned it into an inspiring and supportive song!

    What did you do to keep yourself busy during lockdown this year? I did a lot of baking for my family, and learned how to make a tasty loaf of focaccia bread!

    You have done an awesome job with the illustrations as well! They match your topic and you have used some very vibrant colours that makes your post stand out - ka pai!

    Well done and keep up the great work Laylah! I am thoroughly enjoying reading your blog posts.

    Ngā mihi,
    Elle (SLJ)

  2. Great Chorus Laylah! I loved the part that you said it was 12 more days till 2021, I got super excited. Next time you could add in about what you did in lockdown? Great work,
    Amelia :)
