
Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Summer learning Journey

 Today I registered for the Summer learning journey. I did my first task.  We had to change one part of the colouring in. I choose  a different colour for the table. Here is mine and the original. 



  1. love it laylah by riah.

  2. Hello, Layla, I am from Hornby primary school. I like how you have made your art look very light and I also like how you have not rushed with your art. I think you have done an amazing job. Maybe next time you could tell everyone about the texture, shapes, patterns, lines and what colours are dark and light. What was your favourite thing about your Art? -Angel

  3. Hi Laylah, it is Kayla from Ohaeawai School. I like the way you brightend the whole painting up with basicly just one colour. How long did it take you? Maybe next time you could add some mre decription for what the task is and why you changed the colour for the table. Great job!

    Blog ya later!
